Dear god, aku mau pindah sekolah, tapi gak mau pindah, tapi aku mau jauh dari rasa" galauku di sekolah -_-
Saat ini di kelasku suasana orang" udah kaya 'Gangster' (tapi gak juga), ada yang iya ada yang gak, huft di sekolah aku udah kaya anak bloon yang gak tau apa" (istilahnya kaya aku anak yang tak berdosa dan suka di tuduh" trus[istilahnya lagi aku anak tak bersalah])...
Huft :( pindah sekolah atau mabal selamanya (sama aja tapi beda)...kalo aku pindah sekolah aku gak tau mau kemana, kalo aku mabal selamanya nanti di marahin, gak naik kelas, tapi aku maunya homeschooling :( tapi kata ibuku itu mahal :(, if only aku gak sekolah, mungkin dari kecil aku udah jadi anak rajin, baca" buku yang ilmunya melebihi buku" pelajaran sekolah (kali), or I will stay at my home, painting, drawing, making comic(mybe :D) and do some part time job...
If only I'm a boy, aku bisa lebih gaul lagi :D and that will be great :)), but a girl like me now -__- I'm just a boring lil girl who look stupid -___- hik hik, nobody understand me coz what? Coz I'm an half autism (anak setengah autis) tapi kadang" aku bisa dimengerti juga -____-, it feel like theres is no place for a girl like me in my own class, I'm useless :'(
Cipe: Just shed a tear ok and everything will be fine
Nadine: I will but not now
Peci: We can your sorrow too
Nadine: Awww you guys are the best
Cipe: Yes we are, we are one of your personality, remember??
Peci: Yeah its like, we are a triplet :D
Nadine: and Cipe:.............
Peci: Fine we are not a kembar tiga -__-, we are just like a very very best friend, and we always stick together
Nadine and Cipe: Now thats right :))
Nadine: But I'm stupid and no body like me anymore :(
Cipe and Peci: Don't say that, you just have to change your other personality
Nadine: How its very very hard :(
Cipe and Peci: practice in front of the mirror :D
Nadine: Its kinda crazy but ok :D
Cipe: Good ^ ^
Peci: I hope thats working :D
Look now I'm crazy (not crazy cuman autis ^ ^)
sebetulnya aku setengah autis -__-
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