
Jumat, 15 April 2011


いはけなき子や 光が如し‥
iwake naki ko ya hikari ga gotoshi...
The young children are like light...

捧げや 捧げや 言の勾玉や
癒せや 癒せや 呪り永久に真に
sasage ya sasage ya koto no magatama ya
iyase ya iyase ya kashiri towa ni ma ni
Let's offer them, let's offer them, the power of our words
Let's heal them, let's heal them, from this eternal curse

いはけなき子は しなに罪なし
現の限りは 託されし遺産
iwake naki ko wa shinani tsumi nashi
uchi no kagiri wa takusareshi wasan
The young children are born in a sinless world
And we have passed our faults and limits to them

かこつは運命 すまふ術なし
孤独にねんじ かく歩む道
kakotsu wa sadame sumau sube nashi
kodoku ni nenji kaku ayumu michi
We forced to them to tie themselves to a fate filled of battles
And we haven't been able to keep in mind that each one has to walk it's
own way

捧げや 捧げや 言の勾玉や
癒せや 癒せや 呪り永久に真に
sasage ya sasage ya koto no magatama ya
iyase ya iyase ya kashiri towa ni ma ni
Let's offer them, let's offer them, the power of our words
Let's heal them, let's heal them, from this eternal curse

さらぬ厄とて 童の前に
斬るが如くに 因果を解かれ
真の光 我が身を照らし
放つ詩声 天足らしたり
saranu yaku tote warabe no mae ni
kiru ga gotoku ni inga wo tokare
makoto no hikari wa ga mi wo terashi
hanatsu utagoe ama tarashitari
Let's protect the children from further misfortunes
Let's untie ourselves from the karma of killing each other
My body will shine with the true light
So my released singing voice can rise to the heavens

You should listen to this song, its very beautiful and its a little bit remind me of some person who give his/her soul for a the world, very sad but really  

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