Well, yesterday, this morning, and a few minute before I has a nosebleed but a few minute before Its The Worst Nosebleed I Ever Had. Wanna know why? I'll tell you the story, So first I was cleaning my nose and when the nose already clean, I feel something liquid and its warm, and suddenly it flow very fast, very fast than the other.
I panicked, the blood drip all over my skirt (not really all over). So I grab as many tissues as I can, and after I relax, and the blood is a lot, I change 4-5 tissues -___-.
And it stop until 6 p.m its flowed again... -___- but this is shorter than that one, but still its flowed very fast too. And its stop again.
Whats gone in to me?? what am I suppose to do tomorrow I had race to do!
Wish me cure guys -___-
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